
Showing posts from 2006

Last day of 2006 - First Blog Entry

Hello.. After so many years connected to the Internet and receive so much valuable info from the generous internet communities sharing and posting stuffs on websites, I guess this is one of my new year resolution is to be able to share some of my stuffs for everyone. Blogging seems to be an attractive alternative to creating my own website due to the simplicity. I used to have a homepage titled dreamMING of Fusion at where I post some of the codes and images I made but it has been deleted by freeservers due to lack of update So I guess blogging would be an easier choice. Anyway.. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

a new start for dreamMING of Fusion

okay... i do not know why i started this blog.. probably it can be seen as a continuation from my no-longer-exist homepage due to lack up update.. they deleted my site :( i will probably create a theme to what i will post in this blog but for now, it will probably contain some random babbling :P